Business Visa
Business Visa is granted to a foreign national who wants to visit India to establish an industrial/business venture or to explore possibilities to set up industrial/business venture, or wants to purchase/sell industrial products in India. This Visa is granted subject to following conditions:
- The applicant is a person of assured financial standing and expertise in the field of the intended business.
- The applicant is not visiting India for the business of money-lending or petty-trading, or for a full time employment in India involving payment of salary in India etc.
- The facility of Business Visa is also extended to senior executives of firms, experts, tour conductors and travel agents, etc., visiting India in connection with work related to projects of national importance, including those undertaken by public sector undertakings, and conducting business tours of foreigners or business relating to it, etc.
- A foreign national will have to comply with all other requirements like payment of tax liabilities etc.
- The grant of Business Visa is subject to any instructions issued by the Government of India on the basis of reciprocity with other foreign countries from time to time.
- The Business Visa must be issued from the country of origin, or from the country of domicile of the foreigner provided the period of permanent residence of that applicant in that particular country is for more than 2 years.
Select your desired visa type from the list given below, to get the detailed information required for each visa category -
Issued to persons, intended to travel to India for business purposes
Additional Documents Required
- Original passport with photocopy of current and old passports with valid UAE residence visa page (Current & Old UAE visa page copy to prove more than 2 years residence in UAE).
- Letter of Invitation from the company in India stating the purpose of visit and details of UAE Company.
- Trade license copy of Indian company (Certificate of Incorporation).
- Original Local company letter giving the position of applicant in the company, the reason for the visit with particulars of companies to be visited and it has mentioned that company will take entire responsibility and expense for the travel.
- Valid Trade License Copy of the Local Company.
- If applicant is going for Recruitment purpose it should be clearly mentioned in both Indian and UAE company letter.
- Fax Form (If not completed 2 years residence in UAE).
- One original and one copy of all documents for business visa
In addition to the above-mentioned requirements the following documents are required upon submission of application
- For Pakistan National
- Business Visa Original Invitation Letter should be attested by Chamber Of Commerce in India
- Original NOC form the local sponsor with seal and signature of the authorized person.
- Valid Trade License copy of the local company
- Five Year Bank Statement with original seal
- Local Companies audit report required.
- Business visa applicants of Pakistan nationality can visit more than 5 places in India.
- For Chinese National
- Copy of Letter of Incorporation from Registrar of Companies
- Copy of Certificate of Registration from Chamber of Commerce is required upon submission of application.
- For GCC Nationals
- A copy of valid UAE ID card (Emirates ID/labor card)
- Proof of residency in UAE for more than two years should be provided by attaching a copy Tenancy contract/Electricity Bill under applicant name to apply for business visa without which cannot apply for a business visa
- Business Visa for Recruitment
- Letter from local employee sponsoring the trip stating the details of recruitment staff and details of recruitment.
- Trade License copy of Local Company.
- Letter of Invitation from the company in India assisting in recruitment.
- Indian company's Trade License copy.
- Prior approval from CGI is required
- Power of Attorney (in duplicate) Annexure-I.
- Demand Letter (in duplicate) Annexure-II.
- Specimen Work Agreement for each category of workers (in duplicate) Annexure III.
- Undertaking in case of un-skilled/ semiskilled workers. Annexure IV.
- Company's contact details and brief history - Annexure V.
- Business Visa can be requested for 1 / 3 / 5 years with multiple entries.
- Business Visa for 3 or 5 years: Applicants from eligible countries only can apply for 3 or 5 years based upon their 2 year continuous residency in UAE.
- Please note that for 5 year Business visa Biometric data of the applicant is required. (For more information contact us on our Centralized Call Centre for UAE on 04 3875777)
- Non Residents in UAE are not eligible to apply for Business Visa.
- UAE residents with Abu Dhabi or Al-Ain issued visa residing in Dubai/Northern Emirates must provide a copy of residency proof in their name (Tenancy contract / Electricity bill).
- BLS International offers "Other Services" for the Convenience of applicants at centers.
Eligibility for Business Visa
- Foreign nationals who want to visit India to establish industrial/business venture or to explore possibilities to set up industrial/business venture in India.
- Foreign nationals coming to India to purchase/sell industrial products or commercial products or consumer durables.
- Foreign nationals coming to India for technical meetings/discussions, attending Board meetings, general meetings for providing business services support.
- Foreign nationals coming to India for recruitment of manpower.
- Foreign nationals who are partners in the Business and/or functioning as Directors in the company.
- Foreign nationals coming to India for consultations regarding exhibitions, for participation in exhibitions, trade fairs, business fairs, etc.
- Foreign buyers who come to transact business with suppliers/ potential suppliers at locations in India, to evaluate or monitor quality, give specifications, place orders, negotiate further supplies etc., relating to goods or services procured from India.
- Foreign experts/specialists on a visit of short duration in connection with an ongoing project with the objective of monitoring the progress of the work, conducting meetings with Indian customers and/or to provide some high level technical guidance.
- Foreign nationals coming to India for pre-sales or post-sales activity not amounting to actual execution of any contract or project.
- Foreign Trainees of multinational companies/corporate houses coming for in-house training in the regional hubs of the concerned company located in India.
- Foreign students sponsored by AIESEC for internship on project based work in companies/industries