Corporate Governance Laws and Regulations Germany 2024

ICLG - Corporate Governance Laws and Regulations - Germany Chapter covers common issues in corporate governance laws and regulations – including in management bodies, shareholders & other stakeholders, transparency & reporting, and corporate social responsibility.

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1. Setting the Scene – Sources and Overview

1.1 What are the main corporate entities to be discussed?

Companies may be organised as capital companies or partnerships. Whereas partnerships are characterised by the personal liability of their partners, the liability of capital companies is limited to the assets of the company.

This chapter will focus on the two most popular forms of capital companies in Germany: stock corporations (Aktiengesellschaft – AG); and companies with limited liability (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung – GmbH). The other legal forms of capital companies – European stock corporations (Societas Europaea – SE) and partnerships limited by shares (Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien – KGaA) – are largely comparable to an AG. In particular, this chapter will highlight the requirements for listed companies, which are subject to the most comprehensive corporate governance rules.

1.2 What are the main legislative, regulatory and other sources regulating corporate governance practices?

The main sources regulating corporate governance practices are the German Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz – AktG), the European and German acts on SEs (in particular, the European SE-VO and the German SEAG), the German Limited Liability Companies Act (Gesetz betreffend die Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung – GmbHG), the German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch – HGB) and, for certain aspects, the Reorganisation of Companies Act (Umwandlungsgesetz – UmwG) and co-determination laws (in particular the MitbestG and the DrittelbG).

For listed companies, capital markets law – in particular the European Market Abuse Regulation (MAR), the Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz – WpHG) and the Securities Takeover Act (Wertpapiererwerbs- und Übernahmegesetz – WpÜG) – establish further requirements. The German Corporate Governance Code (DCGK) is an additional non-binding source of corporate governance rules for listed companies following the “comply or explain” principle (see question 5.2 below).

The company’s articles of association and the rules of procedure for the management and the supervisory board shape corporate governance within the statutory framework at the level of the individual company.

1.3 What are the current topical issues, developments, trends and challenges in corporate governance?

The Conversion Directive Implementation Act was adopted in the beginning of 2023. In summary, it provides a legal framework for cross-border conversions, mergers and divisions.

The topic of sustainability and social and environmental responsibility has become increasingly significant, resulting in more specific and extensive expectations and legislation on this matter, both at national and EU level (see also questions 4.4 and 5.3 below). Inter alia, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) came into force in January 2023 and must be implemented into national law within 18 months. The CSRD aims to expand the reporting requirements to include additional information on ESG issues. However, the legislative process for implementation into national law is still ongoing.

With effect from 15 December 2023, the Financing for the Future Act introduced a number of changes for stock corporations. The aim is to make it easier for companies, especially start-ups, to access the capital markets. In this context, shares with multiple voting rights have been reintroduced. Thresholds for capital increases have been modified to facilitate capital increases, especially if subscription rights are to be excluded.

As part of the EU Listing Act, changes to capital markets legislation are expected to be implemented in 2024. These include changes to the Market Abuse Regulation (e.g. changes to the so-called ad hoc disclosure of inside information by listed companies) and changes to the EU Prospectus Regulation.

1.4 What are the current perspectives in this jurisdiction regarding the risks of short termism and the importance of promoting sustainable value creation over the long term?

The risks of short-termism are primarily addressed through legal requirements and limitations on management remuneration. For listed companies, the remuneration structure for the management board must be designed to enhance long-term and sustainable corporate development. Variable remuneration will be based on a multi-year assessment. The DCGK further recommends, inter alia, clawback provisions, a waiting period of four years for share-based remuneration, and that long-term incentives outweigh short-term incentives.

2. Shareholders

2.1 What rights and powers do shareholders have in the strategic direction, operation or management of the corporate entity/entities in which they are invested?

The involvement of shareholders in management measures depends on the legal form of the company. In an AG, SE and KGaA, the management board acts independently within its reasonable discretion. Shareholders cannot instruct the management to pursue a particular course of action (unless subject to a control agreement). Shareholders are only entitled to resolve upon management decisions in a general meeting if the management board so requests. Effectively, shareholders can only indirectly exert influence on management by appointing the members of the supervisory or the non-executive directors of the administrative board in a one-tier SE (see question 3.1 below), who in turn appoint, control and advise the management board.

However, certain decisions are statutorily and by case law reserved for the general meeting, i.e. the shareholders. This relates, inter alia, to the appropriation of profits, the appointment of the auditor, the discharge of board members and fundamental decisions, such as amendments to the articles of association, mergers, change of legal form, sale of substantially all the company’s assets or conclusion of corporate agreements (e.g. control agreements or profit and loss pooling agreements), and, in listed companies, the (non-binding) approval of the remuneration policy and the remuneration report.

In a GmbH, shareholders have much greater influence on management decisions since they may instruct the managing directors to take or refrain from taking certain actions. Managing directors of a GmbH are internally bound by such instructions by the shareholders.

2.2 What responsibilities, if any, do shareholders have with regard to the corporate governance of the corporate entity/entities in which they are invested?

Shareholders owe fiduciary duties towards the company and towards other shareholders (see question 2.4 below). They must refrain from exerting influence on the company, a board member, or an authorised agent to act to the detriment of the company or the other shareholders. This is particularly true with respect to a controlling shareholder, unless the disadvantages are compensated or subject to a control agreement.

Shareholders of listed companies are further subject to certain notification requirements regarding the holding of voting rights or major holdings (see questions 2.6 and 2.7 below). Major holdings of more than 25% or 50% of shares in a non-listed AG by legal entities also need to be notified and disclosed in order to create transparency of corporate group structures. If investor shareholders are represented on a board, they are obliged to disclose potential conflicts of interests or related party transactions.

2.3 What kinds of shareholder meetings are commonly held and what rights do shareholders have with regard to such meetings?

An annual general meeting is mandatory in an AG and KGaA within the first eight months of the company’s fiscal year, and in an SE within the first six months. An invitation (including the agenda) of listed companies must be issued in the German Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger) at least 30 days before the day of the shareholders’ meeting and must provide detailed information and fulfil various formalities. In addition, shareholders whose aggregate shareholdings amount to at least 5% of the company’s share capital may request that a general meeting be held. Apart from this, extraordinary general meetings are to be convened if necessary for the welfare and going concern of the company.

The essential right of shareholders with regard to such meetings is the voting right, which may also be exercised by proxy. The voting right is accompanied by a right to request information during the general meeting. Shareholders holding at least 5% of the company’s share capital, or a nominal stake of EUR 500,000, may demand that certain additional items are put on the agenda beforehand.

In a GmbH, the regulations and formalities regarding shareholders’ meetings are less strict. In particular, formalities can be waived by the shareholders or amended in the articles of association.

2.4 Do shareholders owe any duties to the corporate entity/entities or to other shareholders in the corporate entity/entities and can shareholders be liable for acts or omissions of the corporate entity/entities? Are there any stewardship principles or laws regulating the conduct of shareholders with respect to the corporate entities in which they are invested?

All shareholders have fiduciary duties towards the company and towards other shareholders, aiming to promote the purpose of the company and not to act to its detriment. The fiduciary duty of controlling shareholders is more intense than that of non-controlling shareholders.

Shareholders can only be liable for acts or omissions of the company under exceptional circumstances. This particularly may be the case if a shareholder abuses its influence on the company or board members to act to the detriment of the company (see question 2.2 above) or if, primarily in a GmbH, a shareholder causes or deepens bankruptcy of the company under specific circumstances. However, in principle, shareholders may only be liable towards the company and not towards creditors of the company or other third parties.

Since the implementation of the EU Shareholders’ Rights Directive II, institutional investors and asset managers are, inter alia, required to disclose their engagement policy and voting behaviour.

2.5 Can shareholders seek enforcement action against the corporate entity/entities and/or members of the management body?

In principle, shareholders of an AG may assert claims against the company; however, they cannot directly enforce the breach of duties of members of the management and supervisory body. Board members are rather liable in the internal relationship towards the company. However, the supervisory board is entitled and, according to case law, obliged to assert liability claims against the management board if the company suffered damage owing to a breach of duties by the management board. Conversely, the management board is responsible to pursue possible damage claims against supervisory board members. The company may only waive such damage claims after three years and with approval by the general meeting, provided that no minority of shareholders (at least 10% of the share capital) raises objections. Shareholders may also request, by a simple majority of votes, the appointment of special auditors to audit actions taken and events occurring in the course of the management of the company’s affairs.

In a GmbH, the shareholders’ meeting is entitled to pursue damage claims against its managing directors or decide upon discharge, leading to an exclusion of liability.

2.6 Are there any limitations on, or disclosures required, in relation to the interests in securities held by shareholders in the corporate entity/entities?

Shareholders of listed companies must notify the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungaufsicht – BaFin) and the issuer if their direct and/or indirect holdings of voting rights reach, exceed or fall below certain thresholds (3%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 50%, 75%) and if their positions in financial instruments relating to shares reach or cross the aforementioned thresholds (except for the 3% threshold). In particular, voting rights held by subsidiaries or in acting-in-concert scenarios are attributed. The notification is to be published by the issuer. A violation of these notification requirements may be prosecuted as an administrative offence resulting in substantial fines (up to EUR 2 million for individuals and up to EUR 10 million or 5% of the yearly total turnover for legal entities) and its public disclosure (“naming and shaming”). As regards non-listed AGs, major holdings by entities of more than 25% and 50% must be notified vis-à-vis the company and disclosed by the company.

Furthermore, subject to anti-money laundering law, all corporate entities are required to register their beneficial owners, i.e. individuals who directly or indirectly hold more than 25% of the shares and/or voting rights or otherwise control the company, in the transparency register (Transparenzregister).

Specific restrictions may apply in certain regulated industries (e.g. banking, financial services and insurance) or due to German and European merger control. Additionally, German foreign trade law imposes restrictions in connection with acquisitions of German corporations in certain industry sectors by non-EU investors in order to protect public order and security.

2.7 Are there any disclosures required with respect to the intentions, plans or proposals of shareholders with respect to the corporate entity/entities in which they are invested?

Any shareholder of a German listed company whose shareholding reaches or exceeds the thresholds of 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 50% or 75% of the voting rights is obliged to notify the company of the goals (like strategic objectives, trading profits, material change in the company’s capital structure) pursued by purchasing the voting rights and the source of the funds used to purchase the voting rights. The company is required to publish the information received. However, companies may opt out of this notification requirement pursuant to their articles of association.

Since implementation of the EU Shareholders’ Rights Directive II, certain institutional investors and asset managers are, inter alia, required to disclose their engagement policy and voting behaviour on their websites for at least three years.

2.8 What is the role of shareholder activism in this jurisdiction and is shareholder activism regulated?

Shareholder activism, which formerly resulted in a blockade of fundamental resolutions of the general meeting, was limited through changes to the legal framework in the first decade of this century but continues to play a role in Germany. Activist shareholders are increasingly including smaller and lesser-known companies in their activities. In particular, small- and mid-cap companies are not yet well prepared for such interactions.

Activist shareholders today typically acquire minority stakes and will then approach the management with certain demands. In case such demands are not met, they might escalate the situation, e.g. by launching public campaigns. They may also exercise their rights to increase pressure on the management, e.g. through critical questions or requests for special audits in the general meeting. There is no regulation effectively preventing this kind of shareholder activism.

3. Management Body and Management

3.1 Who manages the corporate entity/entities and how?

The predominant board structure of an AG and SE follows the two-tier board system with a separation of duties between the management board (Vorstand) managing and representing the company, and a supervisory board (Aufsichtsrat) controlling and advising the management board. A one-tier board system, with one board consisting of both executive and non-executive members, is only permitted within an SE, which is then called an administrative board (Verwaltungsrat).

The management board manages the company under its own responsibility and own reasonable discretion. It is not subject to any instructions from the supervisory board or the shareholders; however, it is subject to the prior approval of the supervisory board for certain business transactions and measures, either foreseen in the company’s articles of association or by the supervisory board itself, e.g. in the rules of procedure for the management board. The approval requirements typically relate to transactions and measures of material significance (often tied to certain thresholds).

A GmbH has managing directors (Geschäftsführer) but no statutorily required supervising body (except in case of co-determination; see question 4.2 below). Even though the managing directors are responsible for managing and representing the company and may decide autonomously, the shareholders’ meeting (Gesellschafterversammlung) remains the supreme decision-making body and may instruct the managing directors (see question 2.1 above).

3.2 How are members of the management body appointed and removed?

Following the two-tier board system, the members of the management board of an AG or an SE are appointed by the supervisory board. The maximum term of appointment in an AG is five years and in an SE six years. Re-appointments or extensions of the term of office are permissible. However, first-time appointments in listed companies should not exceed a period of three years pursuant to a recommendation by the DCGK. During the term, members of the management board can only be removed from office by the supervisory board for good cause, namely for gross breach of duty, inability to properly manage the company’s affairs or a vote of no-confidence by the shareholders at a general meeting. Differences in opinion with respect to the business strategy, for instance, do not qualify as good cause. In practice, removal scenarios are rare. Typically, members of the management board instead resign from office on an amicable basis.

Members of the supervisory board of an AG or SE are elected by the shareholders at a general meeting by a simple majority of votes and can be removed with a 75% majority, unless the articles of association provide otherwise.

The managing directors of a GmbH are appointed and removed by the shareholders at a shareholders’ meeting with a simple majority vote. The term of office may be indefinite.

3.3 What are the main legislative, regulatory and other sources impacting on compensation and remuneration of members of the management body?

The main legislative and other sources impacting on compensation and remuneration of board members are the AktG, the HGB and the DCGK, each reflecting the requirements under the EU Shareholders’ Rights Directive II.

The remuneration of the management board members of an AG and a two-tier system SE is resolved upon by the supervisory board. In doing so, the supervisory board is bound by certain statutory objectives and restrictions. The overall compensation of the individual member of the management board must be appropriate in relation to their tasks and performance, as well as to the economic situation of the company, and must not exceed the customary remuneration without specific reason. Further, the remuneration in listed companies must be aimed at the sustainable and long-term-oriented development of the company. The DCGK provides further recommendations, e.g. on the components of variable remuneration (short-term and long-term incentives) and severance caps in the event of premature termination of office.

In listed companies, the supervisory board must determine the remuneration principles in a remuneration system, which is subject to approval by the general meeting upon its introduction, and any material changes hereto, however, at least every four years. In addition, the supervisory board must prepare an annual remuneration report that is also subject to a resolution by the general meeting. However, the resolution on the approval of both the remuneration policy and report are non-binding.

The remuneration of the supervisory board members may be determined in the company’s articles of association or granted by the general meeting. In listed companies, the remuneration of the supervisory board is also subject to a non-binding vote by the general meeting and must be disclosed in the annual remuneration report.

In a GmbH, the remuneration of managing directors is the responsibility of the shareholders’ meeting without any specific legal requirements. In a KGaA, the general partners generally receive no remuneration for their activities; however, they are entitled to a fee for incurring the liability of the KGaA vis-à-vis third parties.

3.4 What are the limitations on, and what disclosure is required in relation to, interests in securities held by members of the management body in the corporate entity/entities?

Members of the management body and of the supervisory body are free to buy, hold or sell securities in the corporate entity they are managing/supervising. To create long-term incentives, shares and stock options are key elements of the variable remuneration of the management board members. However, there are certain restrictions and disclosure requirements pursuant to the European Market Abuse Regulation (MAR). Like every other potential insider, board members are subject to the prohibition of insider trading. In addition, board members are subject to a trading ban during a closed period of 30 calendar days before the announcement of a financial report. Furthermore, transactions by board members or closely associated persons exceeding the amount of EUR 20,000 within a calendar year must be promptly notified vis-à-vis the issuer and BaFin and publicly disclosed (managers’ transactions notification). Board members are also prohibited from exercising their voting rights in certain cases, e.g. discharge of the respective board member.

3.5 What is the process for meetings of members of the management body?

There are no statutory provisions governing the process for meetings for the management board or managing directors. Even though it is not mandatory, the process for meetings and the decision-making process is usually stipulated in the articles of association and/or rules of procedure of the management board. In practice, it is common that members of the management board are allocated certain responsibilities as part of their department (ressort), which means that decisions within each department are made by the responsible single member, unless such decisions are of material nature.

By contrast, the process for meetings of the supervisory board (in particular convening the supervisory board, participation in meetings and adopting of resolutions) is regulated by law and formalised to a greater extent.

3.6 What are the principal general legal duties and liabilities of members of the management body?

Board members of the management board of an AG, an SE and a KGaA and managing directors of a GmbH are to apply the care of a prudent and diligent businessperson, in particular in accordance with the applicable laws and the articles of association (duty of legality). Similarly, the supervisory board must follow this principle in supervising the management board of an AG or SE. Board members also owe fiduciary duties to the company. The management board or managing directors are further obliged to establish and maintain an effective compliance management system. Breach of duties may result in personal liability towards the company, but generally not towards the shareholder. According to case law, the supervisory board is, in principle, obliged to pursue claims against management board members (see question 2.5 above).

No breach of duty will be given in those instances in which the member of the management or supervisory board, in taking an entrepreneurial decision, could reasonably assume that he/she was acting on the basis of adequate information and in the best interests of the company (business judgment rule).

3.7 What are the main specific corporate governance responsibilities/functions of members of the management body and what are perceived to be the key, current challenges for the management body?

It falls within the responsibility of the management board or the managing directors to ensure that all provisions of law and internal policies are complied with by the company. The importance and complexity of compliance requirements have vastly increased in the last decade. In particular, companies with international business face complex legal requirements in various countries and areas of law, e.g. with respect to tax, anti-money laundering, anti-corruption, sanctions, antitrust, capital markets or, as a more recent development, data privacy. Under German law, the individual members of the management and/or supervisory board or the managing directors may be held personally liable for failures with respect to the company’s compliance management.

3.8 Are indemnities, or insurance, permitted in relation to members of the management body and others?

Directors’ and officers’ (D&O) liability insurance is permitted and is common practice for management and supervisory board members in listed companies and non-listed companies. Premiums are typically paid by the company. However, members of the management board of an AG/SE are statutorily obliged to bear a deductible of at least 10% of the damage up to at least one-and-a-half times their fixed annual salary.

Indemnifications by a stock corporation are generally not permitted, since the company is only allowed to waive or settle on liability claims against board members three years following their accrual and only subject to a general meeting’s approval, without an objection of a shareholder minority jointly representing 10% of the registered share capital.

In a GmbH, as German law follows the stakeholder model, according to which managing directors must act in the best interest of the company (and not the shareholder or the majority of shareholders), indemnification agreements are subject to the constraints of fiduciary duties. In addition, indemnification by a GmbH is not permitted if, and to the extent that, the managing directors have breached capital protection rules.

3.9 What is the role of the management body with respect to setting and changing the strategy of the corporate entity/entities?

In an AG, the management board develops and implements the company strategy as part of its original task and duty to manage the affairs of the company. The management board may set and change the strategy at its own discretion as far as the strategy is in line with the business purpose set out in the company’s articles of association. Following the two-tier board system, the management board is required to report to the supervisory board at least once a year on the business policy and other fundamental matters of corporate planning (in particular, financial planning, investment planning, and human resources planning). The DCGK further requires the management board to coordinate the strategy with the supervisory board. In addition, it is to be determined in the by-laws or by the supervisory board that certain types of business transactions may only be implemented with the supervisory board’s consent.

Similarly, the managing directors of a GmbH may set and change the company strategy; however, they are bound by instructions by the shareholders.

4. Other Stakeholders

4.1 May the board/management body consider the interests of stakeholders other than shareholders in making decisions? Are there any mandated disclosures or required actions in this regard?

The management board of an AG and the managing directors of a GmbH owe their legal duties to the company and must, therefore, primarily act in the company’s best interests. However, in making decisions, management has – in line with the principles of the social market economy – to take into account the interests of shareholders, employees and other groups related to the company (i.e. stakeholders) to ensure the continued existence of the company and its sustainable value creation. Unlike the Anglo-Saxon shareholder model, the company’s best interest is neither limited to the interests of shareholders, nor do the interests of shareholders prevail. Instead, management would need to evaluate and weigh the respective interests of shareholders and stakeholders.

There are no mandated disclosures or required actions in this regard, apart from the non-financial reporting requirements (see questions 4.4 and 5.3 below).

4.2 What, if any, is the role of employees in corporate governance?

Employees play a considerable role through their representation in the supervisory board in case of co-determination. If an AG, a KGaA or a GmbH exceeds the general threshold of 500 employees within German territories, one-third of the company’s supervisory board members must be employee representatives; if it exceeds 2,000 employees within German territories, half of the supervisory board members must be employee representatives (i.e. parity co-determination). German co-determination rules do not apply to SEs.

Additionally, employees can exert influence through works councils that may be elected in companies with more than five employees. The works council is endowed with various monitoring, consultation, information and negotiation rights and is mainly representing employees’ interests related to the workplace (e.g. working conditions and social issues).

On 2 July 2023, the new German Whistleblower Protection Act came into effect. The law requires all companies with at least 50 employees to establish internal reporting channels to provide information about violations of law by or within the company. However, German law does not require companies to follow up on anonymous reports.

4.3 What, if any, is the role of other stakeholders in corporate governance?

Following the stakeholder model (see question 4.1 above), the interests of stakeholders are to be considered when making management decisions. Stakeholders other than employees, e.g. debt holders, customers and suppliers, generally play no active role in corporate governance, apart from contractual obligations like approval rights and financial or operational covenants. Stakeholders may also exert indirect influence with regard to their environmental, social and governance-related expectations which are, at least in part, subject to non-financial reporting requirements (see questions 4.4 and 5.3 below).

4.4 What, if any, is the law, regulation and practice concerning corporate social responsibility and similar ESG-related matters?

There are certain reporting and transparency requirements (see question 5.3 below). Further, the Supply Chain Act, which implements the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, came into force in January 2023. Since 1 January 2024, it applies to companies with at least 1,000 employees. The Act requires companies to publish an annual report explaining if and to what extent they comply with the obligations under the Supply Chain Act.

The remuneration of members of the management board in listed companies must align with a sustainable and long-term development of the company.

5. Transparency and Reporting

5.1 Who is responsible for disclosure and transparency and what is the role of audits and auditors in these matters?

In general, the management board or the managing directors is/are responsible within the company for disclosure and transparency. While the responsibility may be assigned to individual board members or managing directors (e.g. the CEO or the CFO) or delegated to specific committees or departments (e.g. Investor Relations, Compliance), the overall responsibility (including the establishment of a functioning reporting system to ensure sufficient information exchange within the company) remains with the management board or the managing directors.

The annual financial statements and the management report are subject to an audit by an external auditor, who must be independent and appointed by the general meeting or the shareholders’ meeting. While the auditor is required to assess whether the annual accounts have been prepared in compliance with all applicable rules and reflect “a true and fair view” of the company, the corporate governance and remuneration reports are only subject to a formal audit. In stock corporations, the annual financial statements and the management report must be submitted to and reviewed by the supervisory board.

5.2 What corporate governance-related disclosures are required and are there some disclosures that should be published on websites?

Listed companies are required to issue a corporate governance report either as an integral part of the management report or on the company website. This report must address the corporate governance practices within the company, e.g. cooperation between the management board and the supervisory board, establishment of committees, the determination and fulfilment of gender quotas for leadership positions, or the company’s diversity concept. Furthermore, listed companies must publicly declare, on a yearly basis, whether they comply with the DCGK or, if applicable, why they deviate from certain recommendations set out by the DCGK (“comply or explain”). This declaration is part of the corporate governance report and must be published on the company website. Since implementation of the EU Shareholders’ Rights Directive II, the remuneration system for the management board and the supervisory board, as well as the annual remuneration report, must be published on the company website for at least 10 years.

Besides annual disclosure requirements, certain corporate governance-related information must be disclosed on an ad hoc basis, e.g. relevant related party transactions of listed companies.

Certain non-listed, but employee co-determined, companies must disclose information on their gender diversity targets as part of their management reports.

5.3 What are the expectations in this jurisdiction regarding ESG- and sustainability-related reporting and transparency?

Under the HGB, companies that meet certain criteria concerning their size are obliged to issue a declaration on non-financial aspects that expands their management report. This non-financial reporting requirement includes information on the company’s concepts regarding environmental, employee-related and social issues, human rights, and action against corruption and bribery and their implementation.

In general, the framework regarding ESG and sustainability-related reporting and transparency is primarily EU-driven and is becoming more extensive. Once the CSRD is implemented later this year, more companies will be required to report their sustainability data and the reporting requirements will be extended (see question 1.3 above).

As part of the EU Action Plan for Financing Sustainable Growth, the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) has been applicable in Germany since 10 March 2021, and applies to financial market participants and financial advisors. It establishes extensive transparency obligations in the integration of sustainability risks, the consideration of adverse sustainability impacts in their processes (e.g. investing and advising) and the provision of sustainability-related information with respect to financial products. Under the so-called EU Taxonomy Regulation, certain companies are obliged to disclose the proportion of sales, capital expenditure and operational expenditures in taxonomy-compliant activities.

5.4 What are the expectations in this jurisdiction regarding cybersecurity and technology-related reporting and transparency?

There are no explicit regulations regarding cybersecurity reporting. Nevertheless, many companies do comment on this in their management report and explain what measures they are taking to ensure cybersecurity.

Production Editor's Note

This chapter has been written by a member of ICLG's international panel of experts, who has been exclusively appointed for this task as a leading professional in their field by Global Legal Group, ICLG's publisher. ICLG's in-house editorial team carefully reviews and edits each chapter, updated annually, and audits each one for originality, relevance and style, including anti-plagiarism and AI-detection tools. This chapter was copy-edited by Melissa Braine , our in-house editor.